
The Hottest Day

It was extreme heat today more than yesterday.
According to the weather forecast, high temperatures was 38 degrees in Seattle!
Only watching the number, it seems to be suffer from the summer heat.
But I didn't feel temperatures exceeded 30 degrees.
I think, because humidity level is low in Seattle.

Even so, when I went outside, I felt to expose to heavy ultraviolet light.
So I want to put up a parasol.

I think that American people don't put up a parasol,
but I saw a woman putting it up today!
...It was not a parasol but an umbrella.
In Seattle, I rarely see the parson putting an umbrella on rainy days.
The weather must be exceptionally hot in Seattle.
But I'm happy that beer and ice cream tastes better!
The size of these ice cream are too big!
And my favorite eating ice cream is to sprinkle the chocolate syrup on it.
The chocolate syrup gets hard like a shell after that.

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